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Government by the People, 2012 Brief Election Edition by Magleby, David B., Light, P... ISBN: 9780205884001 List Price: $120.00
Government by the People, 2012, Election Edition by Magleby, David B., Light, P... ISBN: 9780205865789 List Price: $173.33
Government by the People, 2011 National Edition (24th Edition) by David B. Magleby, Paul C. L... ISBN: 9780205828401 List Price: $205.60
Government by the People, 2011 National, State, and Local Edition (24th Edition) by David B. Magleby, Paul C. L... ISBN: 9780205828432 List Price: $205.60
State and Local Government by the People (16th Edition) by David B. Magleby, Paul C. L... ISBN: 9780205962822 List Price: $145.40
Government by the People, 2011 Brief Edition by David B. Magleby, Paul C. L... ISBN: 9780205806706 List Price: $139.20
Managing Sports Facilities And Major Events by Westerbeek, Hans, Emery, Pa... ISBN: 9780415401098 List Price: $61.95
Clinical Anesthesia, 7e: Print + Ebook with Multimedia by Paul Barash, Bruce F. Culle... ISBN: 9781451144192 List Price: $234.99
State and Local Politics: Government by the People (15th Edition) by David B. Magleby, Paul C. L... ISBN: 9780205006397 List Price: $112.60
Ethical Decision Making In The Hospitality Industry by Dunk, Paul, Jaszay, Christine ISBN: 9780131136809 List Price: $63.80
Wild Solutions How Biodiversity Is Money In The Bank by Beattie, Andrew, Ehrlich, P... ISBN: 9780300105063 List Price: $29.00
Government by the People, 2014 Elections by David B. Magleby, Paul C. L... ISBN: 9780133914689 List Price: $174.40
Wild Solutions How Biodiversity Is Money In The Bank by Beattie, Andrew, Ehrlich, P... ISBN: 9780300076363 List Price: $25.95
Lumiere Autochrome : History, Technology, and Preservation by Lavedrine, Bertrand, Gandol... ISBN: 9781606061251
The Literary Review: Emo, Meet Hole by The Literary Review, Michae... ISBN: 9780984160792 List Price: $8.00
Government by the People, 2011 Alternate Edition with MyPoliSciLab with eText -- Access Card... by David B. Magleby, Paul C. L... ISBN: 9780205078776 List Price: $178.47
Handbook of Clinical Anesthesia by Paul Barash, Bruce F. Culle... ISBN: 9781451176155 List Price: $66.99
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